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Divine Harmony Essence - THANKFULNESS

Divine Harmony Essence - THANKFULNESS

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25ml dropper bottle

Group 3 - Developing Positivity

Developing Gratitude

Use this essence to help expand the qualities of thankfulness and gratitude.

Thankfulness and gratitude are amongst the most life enhancing and positive attitudes available to us. When we are truly thankful for absolutely everything in our lives no matter what it is, then we are at the doorway to freedom because we have understood that we are responsible for the events and situations that we draw into our lives as well as our choice of response to them. Acknowledging and accepting our creations with thankfulness and gratitude also creates the opportunity for us to dissolve the old and reform it into something new and positive. Blessing everything within your life with thankfulness no matter what it is, is undoubtedly a challenge but it is also the gateway to self-mastery. This essence will help to promote the qualities of thankfulness and gratitude.

Key Points:

  • Supports the development of greater gratitude and thankfulness
  • Encourages positive self-responsibility
  • Promotes life enhancing positive attitudes


Combination of: Kunzite, Hibiscus Orange, Hyacinth, Ruby Red Rose, Celestite & Zoisite