25ml dropper bottle
Group 1 - Transforming Core Emotions
Transforming Resentment
Use this essence to help transform feelings of resentment.
Resentment is the emotion that builds up when we are unable to own and express feelings of anger, rage or hurt. It closes the heart chakra, effectively blocking our ability to forgive or to see the higher perspective of the events of our lives. Deeply buried feelings of resentment about past situations lead to a tendency to blame others for perceived misfortunes, feelings of bitterness and the often unconscious belief that we are a victim of circumstance.
This combination will help to dissolve & transform conscious or unconscious feelings of resentment encouraging forgiveness and self-responsibility in all areas of life.
Key Points:
- Transforms vibrations of resentment and blame
- Encourages forgiveness & self-responsibility
- Dissolves ‘victim consciousness’
Combination of: Celandine, Carob, Rosemary, Cinnabar, Ruby & Dioptase