25ml dropper bottle
Group 4 - Integrating Spirit
Restoring Unconditionality
Supports non-judgemental unconditional acceptance.
Our soul understands the language of the heart chakra, which is unconditional love. Communication between soul and personality therefore takes place through the heart chakra rather than the mind. Currently, unconditional love is not our ‘default’ setting for communication with each other or indeed ourselves. One of the greatest blocks to this stems from our inability to be non-judgmental and unconditionally accepting of ourselves. When we deny that we are worthy of love we effectively block the love & light of the soul from reaching the personality.
This essence gently helps to dissolve this lack of self-acceptance promoting a greater degree of unconditional love for self and opening the channel for greater soul communion.
Key Points:
- Promotes greater self-acceptance and the ability to love ourselves
- Transforms self-judgement
- Dissolves the belief that we are unworthy of love
- Opens the heart chakra
Combination of: Danburite, Green Calcite, Ruby Red Rose, Sweetheart, Chrysoprase & Rhodonite