Positive effects: Rationality / Calmness / Composure / Security / Self control
Emotional symptoms: Fear of losing control / Irrationality / Temper
Cherry Plum restores the qualities of balance, calmness and positive control of the mind. The negative Cherry Plum state can be a very extreme and uncomfortable one in which the personality experiences powerful and irrational fears.
Those in need of this remedy often feel that they are loosing control of their mind, going insane, or perhaps having a breakdown. They can be snappy, on edge, want to scream or fear that they could be uncharacteristically violent, either to themselves or others. In a very extreme state they may have wide staring eyes and be unable to stop themselves from saying or doing things that are completely out of their normal character. Many women experience variations of these irrational feelings related to their monthly cycle. In all these situations Cherry Plum brings calmness, rationality and peace.
The traditional English Flower Essences are handmade with love & care by Crystal Herbs, according to the original instructions of Dr Edward Bach. Crystal Herbs is a small specialised flower essence producer based in the UK and they have been making and selling essences for over 30 years.