Chakra Essence sets are available to purchase here
25ml dropper bottle
A fully functioning Base chakra is a vital component in both a stable energetic system and physical wellbeing.
If the Base chakra is not functioning fully we might experience fears and insecurities related to safety and survival, difficulties with grounding, staying present, disorientation, disorganisation, indecision, and lack of vitality as well as difficulty dealing with the pressures of life or fully manifesting our creative ideas.
Your Base chakra is located at the base of the spine and together with the Feet chakras and the Earthstar chakra forms the basis for our energetic foundations. When it is functioning well there is a sense of being grounded, safe, secure, abundant and filled with vibrant well-being.
Key Points:
- Physical wellbeing & security
- Functionality in the everyday world
- Stable energetic foundations
- Grounding
Combination: Smoky Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Loosestrife, Poppy, Jet, Volcanic Essence, St. John’s Wort & Cube
Each of the Chakra essences is a powerful combination of at least 5 different essences so it is recommended that you only take one of these combinations at a time. It is usually best to avoid using any of the other deeper acting combinations at the same time.