Positive effects: Purity / Self love / Self acceptance
Emotional symptoms: Self loathing / Obsessive / Compulsive / Impurity
Crab Apple aids purification at all levels and is known as the cleansing remedy. Those in need of Crab Apple have temporarily lost sight of their own innate purity and carry underlying feelings of uncleanliness, dirtiness or lack of purity, which in extreme states can manifest as obsessions related to housework or bodily cleanliness. They can be fussy, easily upset and have a tendency to make mountains out of molehills when in the negative state. Other indications for this remedy are skin eruptions or compulsive, obsessional behaviour of any sort. As well as being used in the normal way, Crab Apple can also usefully be applied to the skin as a lotion in a little water or added to a bath (10-12 drops).
The traditional English Flower Essences are handmade with love & care by Crystal Herbs, according to the original instructions of Dr Edward Bach. Crystal Herbs is a small specialised flower essence producer based in the UK and they have been making and selling essences for over 30 years.