Positive effects: Trust / Guidance / Intuition / Self belief
Emotional symptoms: Lack of trust in one's own decisions / Self doubt
Cerato restores the qualities of inner certainty and wisdom. Those in need of Cerato have difficulty trusting in their own intuition or ‘inner voice’. They appear to have an air of uncertainty around them and tend to seek the opinions of others when faced with decisions in their lives, rather than trust their own judgement. Even when they have consulted with friends & colleagues they will still have great difficulty making a firm choice of direction causing themselves much confusion. The statement ‘I don’t know’ can often be heard from the lips of those in the negative Cerato state.
Cerato helps to create a bridge between the personality and the Soul restoring the ability to know and trust one’s own innate inner wisdom.
The traditional English Flower Essences are handmade with love & care by Crystal Herbs, according to the original instructions of Dr Edward Bach. Crystal Herbs is a small specialised flower essence producer based in the UK and they have been making and selling essences for over 30 years.