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Inner Freedom Essence – Transforming Judgement - Align Your Vibe. This vibrational essence helps to promote tolerance and personal freedom

Divine Harmony Essence - INNER FREEDOM

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25ml dropper bottle


Use this essence to help promote tolerance and personal freedom.

The energy of intolerance in its unbalanced form carries the potential for us to be both judgmental and critical either of others or ourselves. Intolerance is a very common emotion today since we live in a society that strongly identifies with the polarities of ‘right’ & ‘wrong’. For most of us this patterning was reinforced by our upbringing in childhood. However seen from a higher perspective judgment simply holds us in polarity consciousness and stifles our spiritual growth. Opening our heart and extending tolerance to ourselves allows us to remember that there is no right or wrong way to do things, simply a choice in each moment of how we express our own uniqueness. As we allow this freedom of expression within ourselves it becomes easier to extend it to others.

Key Points:

  • Helpful for anyone with a strong ‘inner critic’
  • Helps dissolve the vibrations of judgement and criticism
  • Encourages an open minded approach to life
  • Promotes the freedom to be yourself


Combination: Beryl, Quartz Solution, Silver Birch, Yew, Nasturtium & Quartz Citrine

How to Use: Take 4 drops under the tongue directly from the bottle between 2-4 times a day. Finish the whole bottle then re-check to see if more of that particular combination or another is needed. Each of the Divine Harmony Essences is a powerful combination of at least 5 different essences so it is recommended that you only take one of these combinations at a time. Preferably take 10 minutes away from food and drink. These are all stock level combinations - to gain maximum benefit from your combination it is recommended that you take it without further dilution.