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Feeling Worthy Essence – Transforming Unworthiness - Align Your Vibe. This vibrational essence promotes inner nurturing and self-worth.

Divine Harmony Essence - FEELING WORTHY

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25ml dropper bottle


Promotes inner nurturing and self-worth.

This is the essence for those who easily feel inferior to others, very sensitive to criticism or perhaps have an unexplainable sense of incompleteness. If we do not receive enough nurturing and a positive image of ourselves from our parents in childhood, it can be difficult to recognise our own innate value and self-worth for ourselves when we grow up. This leads to uncomfortable feelings of ‘never being good enough’ or a sense of being not OK in some indefinable way. Defence patterns such as needing to be right or a need to feel ‘better than’ others in order to feel comfortable are often associated with this state.

Key Points:

  • Dissolves feelings of inferiority
  • Encourages self-worth
  • Promotes positive self-nurturing


Combination: Alexandrite, Sapphire (Blue), Handel Rose, Wulfenite, Daffodil, Buttercup & Tulip

How to Use: Take 4 drops under the tongue directly from the bottle between 2-4 times a day. Finish the whole bottle then re-check to see if more of that particular combination or another is needed. Each of the Divine Harmony Essences is a powerful combination of at least 5 different essences so it is recommended that you only take one of these combinations at a time. Preferably take 10 minutes away from food and drink. These are all stock level combinations - to gain maximum benefit from your combination it is recommended that you take it without further dilution.