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Chakra Essence - THROAT

Chakra Essence - THROAT

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Chakra Essence sets are available to purchase here

25ml dropper bottle


A balanced Throat chakra is important for both inner and outer communication.

When the Throat chakra is not working well we can experience difficulty knowing or expressing our personal truth or being able to access our intuition or inner knowing. Other common indicators are signs of a withdrawn personality and suppressed emotions, needs or creative flow.

Your Throat chakra is located in the etheric body in the area of the physical throat. From this centre we experience the world through the medium of sound. When it is working well it acts as a communication hub that facilitates both inner and outer communications.  At an outer level this manifests as the ability to fully express our truth and creativity in the world. At an inner level it is an access point to the higher mental planes through which we can receive inspiration and guidance from our soul. Thus it is connected with clairaudience and the expression of divine will in the world.

Key Points:

  • Self-expression
  • Communication
  • Soul guidance
  • Divine will


Combination: Lapiz Lazuli, Aquamarine, Tiger’s Eye, Bluebell, Snapdragon, Cosmos & Dodecahedron

Each of the Chakra essences is a powerful combination of at least 5 different essences so it is recommended that you only take one of these combinations at a time. It is usually best to avoid using any of the other deeper acting combinations at the same time.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Christine G.
Throat chakra medicine

A beautiful blend - very uplifting clarifying. Definitely supporting me to align with Truth more!