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Chakra Essence - SACRAL

Chakra Essence - SACRAL

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Chakra Essence sets are available to purchase here

25ml dropper bottle


A balanced Sacral chakra provides the foundation for emotional wellbeing and fulfilling relationships.

If the Sacral chakra is not functioning fully there will be a degree of inability to express or get in touch with emotional needs. As a result we might experience out of balance emotions and emotional reactions, relationship difficulties, low self-image, inability to accept change, anger, frustration, impatience, and blocked creativity. The Sacral chakra is a storehouse for our unresolved emotional baggage and the home of a wounded inner child.

Your Sacral chakra is located in the etheric body in the region of the lower abdomen. It relates to our sense of emotional identity so when it is functioning well, there is a fluidity to our emotions that allow us to connect easily with others and to experience healthy and fulfilling relationships.

Key Points:

  • Fulfilling relationships
  • Balanced emotions
  • Creative flow
  • Self-acceptance


Combination: Carnelian, Clear Quartz, Squash, Rose Quartz, Calendula, Dark Opal, Chrysocolla & Icosahedron

Each of the Chakra essences is a powerful combination of at least 5 different essences so it is recommended that you only take one of these combinations at a time. It is usually best to avoid using any of the other deeper acting combinations at the same time.