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Chakra Essence - HEART

Chakra Essence - HEART

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Chakra Essence sets are available to purchase here

25ml dropper bottle


A balanced Heart chakra opens the doorway to the experience of unconditional love and unity consciousness.

If the Heart chakra is not functioning fully it is common to experience feelings of loneliness, isolation, superiority, fear of closeness in relationships, lack of trust in self of the universe as well as feelings of being unloved and unwanted. There might also be a tendency towards being overly critical, indecisive, possessive or jealous.

Key Points:

  • Unconditional love
  • Trust
  • Inner peace
  • Connection with others
  • Belonging

Combination: Ruby, Emerald, Sunflower, Bleeding Heart, Rosa Deep Secret, Peace Rose, Lavender & Tetrahedron

Each of the Chakra essences is a powerful combination of at least 5 different essences so it is recommended that you only take one of these combinations at a time. It is usually best to avoid using any of the other deeper acting combinations at the same time.