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Angel Essence - PURIFICATION

Angel Essence - PURIFICATION

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Available in a 25ml dropper bottle

Keywords: Purification | Cleansing | Release | Light

The Angel of Purification brings a fresh, clear, purifying frequency into your life which can be called upon to cleanse and release anything that feels murky, unsettled, or dense. Its energetic frequency is like early morning sunshine sparkling on a mountain stream.

Angel of Purification essence is aligned with the highest frequencies of light, so it reminds you of your own true nature of light. Call upon the Angel of Purification to help you cleanse and release any toxic thoughts, beliefs or emotions that are preventing you from remembering the pure light of your spirit.

Use the Angel of Purification essence to shower you in the pure light of consciousness. Ask it to wash away anything that no longer resonates with you so that your true light can shine forth.