Available in a 25ml dropper bottle
Keywords: Forgiveness | Healing | Hurt Feelings | Acceptance
The Angel of Forgiveness is more powerful than any problem, wound, hurt or challenge that could be making it difficult to forgive yourself or others. When you are ready to let go of hurt feelings, call upon the Angel of Forgiveness to help you, because holding other people separate from your heart through lack of forgiveness hurts everyone involved.
Call upon the Angel of Forgiveness to bathe you and any challenging person or situation in the healing waters of forgiveness. Let the vibration of forgiveness flow through you and notice how it softens and opens your heart, making it easier to recognise the divinity in yourself and anyone else involved.
Use the Angel of Forgiveness essence to open your heart to deeper acceptance of what has happened so you can move forward without guilt, anger, hurt, blame or resentment towards yourself or others.