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Angel Essence - LOVE

Angel Essence - LOVE

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Available in a 25ml dropper bottle

Keywords: Unconditional Love | Light | Separation | True Self

The Angel of Love works with the frequencies of unconditional love and will gently help you to activate this energy within your own heart chakra.

The Angel of Love essence invites you to remember that love is your true nature and encourages you to engage with the expansive flowing ocean of love that surrounds you, allowing it to fill you, and radiate from you.

Within the vast allencompassing vibration of Unconditional Love, nothing is excluded, nothing is separate. Call upon the mighty power of the Angel of Love to remind you that Love is who you are, and indeed the true nature of all reality.

Use the Angel of Love essence to open your heart, awaken more of your true nature, heal separation, and to transform anything that feels unlovable and unloved either within yourself, other people or in any aspect of your life.